The UI Package
TailwindCSS, Alpine.js and Laravel Livewire UI kit for Artisans.
📋 Requirements
- Requires PHP 8.1+ (at least 8.1.21 recommended to avoid potential bugs).
- Requires Node JS 18.16+ (at least 18.16.1 recommended to avoid potential bugs).
- Requires Composer >=2.5.8 to manage PHP dependencies.
- Requires pnpm@^8.0.0 to manage TypeScript dependencies.
- Requires Git ~2.40.0 to manage source code versions.
🎉 Getting Started
⚡️ Installation
Install the Sikessem UI kit using Composer:
- By adding the
dependency to yourcomposer.json
{ "require" : { "sikessem/ui": "self.version" }}
- Or by including the dependency:
composer require sikessem/ui --no-dev
🧑💻 Usage
📝 Syntax
There are several ways to use Sikessem’s UI components.
In the following examples component-name represents the name of the desired UI component. If you want to use the text component, replace component-name with text as needed.
You can find the list of all components here.
View namespace
<x-ui::component-name property="value"> Content</x-ui::component-name>
Component alias
<x-ui-component-name property="value"> Content</x-ui-component-name>
Component tags
<s-component-name property="value"/>
<s-component-name property="value"> {{ $slot }}</s-component-name>
Component slots
<s-component-name property="value"> <s:slot-name slot-property="property-value"> My Slot </s:slot-name></s-component-name>
Blade directives
Render a UI component:
@ui('component-name', ['property' => 'value'], 'Optional component slot or content')
If component-name is not a UI component it will be rendered as an HTML element.
Render an HTML orphan tag:
@tag('element-name', ['property' => 'value'])
Render an HTML paired tag:
@tag('element-name', ['property' => 'value']) Here, element content or nothing.@endtag
Note that the name of the element is not specified when closing. This is automatically detected according to the nesting order of the paired elements.
ui() helper
ui()->make('component-name', ['property' => 'value'], 'content')
UI facade
UI::make('component-name', ['property' => 'value'], 'content')
🍱 UI Components
In the following examples, we will use component tags. However, the result will be the same if you prefer to use another syntax.
Text component
Allows to translate and/or escape a text:
<s-text value="Sigui Kessé Emmanuel<>" escape translate/>
This will output the following HTML:
Sigui Kessé Emmanuel<>
Link component
Create an anchor pointing to a route or URL:
<s-link route="home">Back to home</s-link>
<s-link href="/">Back to home</s-link>
This will output the following HTML:
<a href="/">Back to home</a>
<a href="http://localhost/">Back to home</a>
Button component
The Blade input:
<s-button>Click me</s-button>
The HTML output:
<button type="button">Click me</button>
The Blade input:
<s-button value="Click me"/>
The HTML output:
<input type="button" value="Click me"/>
The Blade input:
<s-button href="/">Click me</s-button>
The HTML output:
<a href="http://localhost">Click me</a>
The Blade input:
<s-submit-button>Click me</s-submit-button>
The HTML output:
<button type="submit">Click me</button>
The Blade input:
<s-reset-button>Click me</s-reset-button>
The HTML output:
<button type="reset">Click me</button>
The Blade input:
<s-image-button src="..." alt="...">Click me</s-image-button>
The HTML output:
<button type="image" src="..." alt="...">Click me</button>
Menu component
Create a menu containing a list of entries:
<s-menu ordered :list="['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']"/>
<s-menu href="['Color' => ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue'], 'Author' => ['Kessé Emmanuel', 'Sigui']]"/>
This will output the following HTML:
<ol> <li>Red</li> <li>Green</li> <li>Blue</li></ol>
<ul> <li> Color <ul> <li>Red</li> <li>Green</li> <li>Blue</li> </ul> </li> <li> Author <ul> <li>Kessé Emmanuel</li> <li>Sigui</li> </ul> </li></ul>
Label component
Create a label:
<s-label for="name" text="Name"/>
This will output the following HTML:
<label for="name">Name</label>
Flash component
Create a flash:
<s-flash type="info"/>
<s-flash class="alert" type="info" message="Default info"/>
If session “info” was set to “Info”, the output will be:
Otherwise, the output will be:
Or (in the second example):
<p class="alert">Default info</p>
Flashes component
<s-flashes :messages="['info' => 'Info', 'warning']"/>
If the “info” and “warning” sessions have been set to “Info” and “Warning” respectively, the output will be:
<ul> <li>Info</li> <li>Warning</li></ul>
Otherwise, the output will be:
<ul> <li>Info</li></ul>
Form component
Create a form:
<s-form> Put the form content here</s-form>
This will output the following HTML:
<form method="GET" action="#"> <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="..."></form>
Error component
Create a error:
<s-error field="name"/>
Errors component
Entry component
Create an entry:
<s-entry type="email"/>
<s-entry type="textarea" name="comment"/>
<s-entry type="name" autocomplete :datalist=""/>
This will output the following HTML:
<input type="email" name="email" id="email" autocomplete="email" :datalist="[\'Emmanuel\', \'Kessé\', \'Sigui\']" aria-invalid="false"/>
<textarea name="comment" id="comment" autocomplete="comment" aria-invalid="false"></textarea>
<input type="name" name="name" id="name" autocomplete="name" list="name-input-datalist" aria-invalid="false"/><datalist id="text-input-datalist"> <option >Emmanuel</option> <option >Kessé</option> <option >Sigui</option></datalist>',
Icon component
<s-icon name="user-group"/>
<s-icon element="svg" name="user-group" type="solid" width="20" height="20" size="20"/>
<s-icon element="i" name="user-group" type="solid" width="20" height="20" size="20"/>
<s-icon element="img" name="user-group" type="solid" width="20" height="20" size="20"/>
🎨 Custom components
Create custom components from config/ui.php
@ui('custom', ['class' => 'element', 'id' => 'myElement'], '') My custom component@endui
<custom-element class="my custom element" id="myElement"> My custom component</custom-element>
Component styles
Color utilities
<div class="text-red bg-red-light-0 border-red-dark-0"></div>