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The UI Package

TailwindCSS, Alpine.js and Laravel Livewire UI kit for Artisans.

📋 Requirements

🎉 Getting Started

⚡️ Installation

Install the Sikessem UI kit using Composer:

  • By adding the sikessem/ui dependency to your composer.json file:
"require" : {
"sikessem/ui": "self.version"
  • Or by including the dependency:
Terminal window
composer require sikessem/ui --no-dev

🧑‍💻 Usage

📝 Syntax

There are several ways to use Sikessem’s UI components.

In the following examples component-name represents the name of the desired UI component. If you want to use the text component, replace component-name with text as needed.

You can find the list of all components here.

View namespace
<x-ui::component-name property="value">
Component alias
<x-ui-component-name property="value">
Component tags
<s-component-name property="value"/>
<s-component-name property="value">
{{ $slot }}
Component slots
<s-component-name property="value">
<s:slot-name slot-property="property-value">
My Slot
Blade directives

Render a UI component:

@ui('component-name', ['property' => 'value'], 'Optional component slot or content')

If component-name is not a UI component it will be rendered as an HTML element.

Render an HTML orphan tag:

@tag('element-name', ['property' => 'value'])

Render an HTML paired tag:

@tag('element-name', ['property' => 'value'])
Here, element content or nothing.

Note that the name of the element is not specified when closing. This is automatically detected according to the nesting order of the paired elements.

ui() helper
ui()->make('component-name', ['property' => 'value'], 'content')
UI facade
UI::make('component-name', ['property' => 'value'], 'content')

🍱 UI Components

In the following examples, we will use component tags. However, the result will be the same if you prefer to use another syntax.

Text component

Allows to translate and/or escape a text:

<s-text value="Sigui Kessé Emmanuel<>" escape translate/>

This will output the following HTML:

Sigui Kessé Emmanuel&lt;;

Create an anchor pointing to a route or URL:

<s-link route="home">Back to home</s-link>
<s-link href="/">Back to home</s-link>

This will output the following HTML:

<a href="/">Back to home</a>
<a href="http://localhost/">Back to home</a>
Button component

The Blade input:

<s-button>Click me</s-button>

The HTML output:

<button type="button">Click me</button>

The Blade input:

<s-button value="Click me"/>

The HTML output:

<input type="button" value="Click me"/>

The Blade input:

<s-button href="/">Click me</s-button>

The HTML output:

<a href="http://localhost">Click me</a>

The Blade input:

<s-submit-button>Click me</s-submit-button>

The HTML output:

<button type="submit">Click me</button>

The Blade input:

<s-reset-button>Click me</s-reset-button>

The HTML output:

<button type="reset">Click me</button>

The Blade input:

<s-image-button src="..." alt="...">Click me</s-image-button>

The HTML output:

<button type="image" src="..." alt="...">Click me</button>

Create a menu containing a list of entries:

<s-menu ordered :list="['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']"/>
<s-menu href="['Color' => ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue'], 'Author' => ['Kessé Emmanuel', 'Sigui']]"/>

This will output the following HTML:

<li>Kessé Emmanuel</li>
Label component

Create a label:

<s-label for="name" text="Name"/>

This will output the following HTML:

<label for="name">Name</label>
Flash component

Create a flash:

<s-flash type="info"/>
<s-flash class="alert" type="info" message="Default info"/>

If session “info” was set to “Info”, the output will be:


Otherwise, the output will be:


Or (in the second example):

<p class="alert">Default info</p>
Flashes component
<s-flashes :messages="['info' => 'Info', 'warning']"/>

If the “info” and “warning” sessions have been set to “Info” and “Warning” respectively, the output will be:


Otherwise, the output will be:

Form component

Create a form:

Put the form content here

This will output the following HTML:

<form method="GET" action="#">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="...">
Error component

Create a error:

<s-error field="name"/>
Errors component
Entry component

Create an entry:

<s-entry type="email"/>
<s-entry type="textarea" name="comment"/>
<s-entry type="name" autocomplete :datalist=""/>

This will output the following HTML:

<input type="email" name="email" id="email" autocomplete="email" :datalist="[\'Emmanuel\', \'Kessé\', \'Sigui\']" aria-invalid="false"/>
<textarea name="comment" id="comment" autocomplete="comment" aria-invalid="false">
<input type="name" name="name" id="name" autocomplete="name" list="name-input-datalist" aria-invalid="false"/>
<datalist id="text-input-datalist">
<option >Emmanuel</option>
<option >Kessé</option>
<option >Sigui</option>
Icon component
<s-icon name="user-group"/>
<s-icon element="svg" name="user-group" type="solid" width="20" height="20" size="20"/>
<s-icon element="i" name="user-group" type="solid" width="20" height="20" size="20"/>
<s-icon element="img" name="user-group" type="solid" width="20" height="20" size="20"/>

🎨 Custom components

Create custom components from config/ui.php file.

@ui('custom', ['class' => 'element', 'id' => 'myElement'], '')
My custom component


<custom-element class="my custom element" id="myElement">
My custom component

Component styles

Color utilities

<div class="text-red bg-red-light-0 border-red-dark-0"></div>